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Cal Poly Grants

Several state-funded grants are designated specifically for Cal Poly students.

State University Grant

The State University Grant (SUG) is a state-funded program that provides money to assist with state university fees. SUG is available to both undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a first degree who are California residents, who file the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application, and have financial aid eligibility. If you receive other aid designated to pay university fees such as the Cal Grant or a fee waiver, your SUG will be replaced by that aid.

By CSU mandate, undergraduate students with over 225 earned units, credential students who have earned more than 45 units and Master’s level students who have 125% or more units earned at the post baccalaureate level are not eligible to receive the State University Grant. Undergraduate students who have exceeded the unit limit may appeal for a one-term extension of SUG eligibility if they are able to document a plan to finish their degree within that one term.

State Educational Opportunity Program

The State Educational Opportunity Program (SEOP) assists undergraduate students admitted to Cal Poly through the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). This grant is available to eligible FAFSA or California Dream Act applicants.