College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences Awarded Over $39 Million in State Funding
The College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences was awarded $39.5 million in one-time state funding to build long-term stability for food, forestry and agricultural systems in the face of intensified weather events and changing climate patterns. The funding will assist in providing the infrastructure needed to build programs to teach future generations sustainable agriculture practices. “The food, agriculture and environmental science industries foresee double-digit job growth over the next 10 years. Building climate resilience is critical to the future of farmers, food producers, and land, water and air resources,” Dean Andrew Thulin said. “Today’s investment by Gov. Newsom and the state legislature in sustainable agriculture will benefit future generations by providing students entering the workforce with skills that make them ready to tackle the environmental challenges we’re facing.” California’s 2022-23 budget includes $20.3 million in one-time general funds to rebuild Swanton Pacific Ranch and $18.75 million of $75 million earmarked for CSU farms to make equipment and infrastructure improvements to the university’s agricultural production units.
Congressman Celebrates Cal Poly's Partnership with Air Force Research Lab
Congressman Salud Carbajal celebrated the future of space exploration with the opening of a new vacuum chamber in the College of Engineering, used for testing spacecraft or spacecraft parts under a simulated space environment, during a tour on Aug. 11. Carbajal championed Cal Poly’s partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory that funded roughly $2.5 million to enhance the Aerospace Engineering Department and boost its mini-satellite program, which was the catalyst for a substantial expansion of space research two decades ago. To date, Carbajal’s efforts have brought in approximately $12.5 million to the College of Engineering. In the photo, Aerospace engineering lecturer Cole Saucier, left, talks with Carbajal at the dedication of the new Thermal Vacuum Chamber in the Advanced Technologies Lab.
Cal Poly School of Education Awarded $21,000 Grant
The School of Education (SOE) has been awarded a $21,000 grant by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to help incorporate required dyslexia guidelines into its training for aspiring teachers in K-12 education. The Dyslexia Grants to Preparation Program funding will go toward updating curriculum and course offerings to best align with the California Dyslexia Guidelines in both general and special education programs. “Studies have shown that skilled teaching makes the biggest difference in a dyslexic child’s educational experience,” said Tanya Flushman (pictured), education professor and co-director for the CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading and Writing. “Teaching is an extremely challenging endeavor, and our intent is to prepare and support new teachers by providing them with research-based guidance for teaching.”
Faculty, Staff Awardees to be Recognized at Convocation on Sept. 12

Faculty and staff are invited to attend the annual Convocation event at 2:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12, in the Performing Arts Center. The event will also be live-streamed on the Fall Conference website. Cynthia Vizcaíno Villa, senior vice president, Administration and Finance, will serve as emcee. The program includes representatives from student government, the California Faculty Association, the CSU Employee Union and the Academic Senate. President Armstrong will give his State of the University address. The award winners for Distinguished Scholarship, Distinguished Teaching, Outstanding Staff, Outstanding Faculty Advisory, Provost Leadership for Partnership in Philanthropy and Learn by Doing will be recognized. A reception will immediately follow at approximately 4 p.m. in the PAC Plaza. Spouses and partners of employees are welcome to attend.
Cal Poly and CSU Continue to Support Affordable Learning Solutions
In support of faculty and students and achieving the goals of Graduation Initiative 2025, the CSU awarded over $17,000 to Cal Poly’s Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) program for the 2022-23 academic year. This is the 10th consecutive year that Cal Poly’s AL$ program has been awarded a grant through the Chancellor’s Office. The funds sustain Cal Poly’s program that promotes faculty adoption of low- or no-cost educational course materials, which helps to make earning a college degree more affordable. Anne Regan, Cal Poly’s AL$ coordinator working in the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology, notes that faculty who have adopted open educational resources saved students more than $3 million in course materials expenses in the past academic year. Faculty interested in exploring open educational resources and zero-cost course materials for possible adoption in their classes are invited to contact Regan ([email protected]) for information about logistical and financial support opportunities.
Cal Poly Foundation Board of Directors to Meet Aug. 27
The board of directors of the Cal Poly Foundation will hold its quarterly meeting virtually at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 27. In compliance with Cal Poly Foundation Policy 122, public comments for this meeting must be submitted in writing by 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 19, to [email protected]. Obtain a copy of the agenda after Aug. 16 by emailing [email protected]. Registration as a non-speaking guest for electronic or telephonic meetings is required prior to the meeting. Once registered, login details will be provided to join as an attendee. Registration requests should be emailed to [email protected] a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meeting. For more information, contact the Cal Poly Foundation office at ext. 6-7147 or [email protected].
Back-to-Back Blooms
For the third straight summer, a corpse flower bloomed in spectacular fashion on campus. The latest bloom came from a 7-year-old corpse plant named Mustito. Corpse plant blooms are rare, and can take several years of growth to achieve. Mustito, which flowered July 25-27, is a sibling of Musty, the first-ever corpse plant to bloom at Cal Poly. In the summer of 2020, 3,000 people came out to see and smell Musty, then 6 years old, in all its glory. The bloom streak continued last summer when a different corpse plant, Bertha, produced its own stinky flower at nearly 18 years old.
Cal Poly Launches Green Office Certification
Cal Poly recently launched a Green Office Certification (GOC) program designed to engage staff and faculty in implementing sustainable practices in their workplace. The program provides a method to educate and evaluate how sustainable an office is and uses a point system to quantify these efforts. If an office receives enough points, it will be Green Office Certified. “Lots of campuses across the nation have Green Offices programs; it was time Cal Poly followed suit,” Sustainability Coordinator Kylee Singh said. “It has been exciting to see so many staff members interested and eager to participate to make their workplace more sustainable.” The School of Education (SOE) was one of four offices certified during the first full month of the program (pictured are SOE Director J. Kevin Taylor, Credential Analyst Brittany Blunk, Administrative Coordinator Martina Scattolin, Credential Analyst Alma Gama and Administrative Coordinator Jessie Miller).
Professors Weigh In on Plastic Packaging State Law
Even before California passed a groundbreaking law requiring all plastics be recyclable or compostable by 2032, Cal Poly students were exploring more sustainable packaging alternatives, professors said. “We need professionals who understand the profound implications of their design decisions,” said Javier de la Fuente, chair of the Industrial Technology and Packaging area in the Orfalea College of Business. “I repeat this to my students all the time. More policies will be needed to have a real effect.” When Gov. Gavin Newsom signed SB 54, Solid Waste: Reporting, Packaging and Plastic Food Service Ware into effect June 30, his office noted that this legislation became law after the U.S. Supreme Court limited the federal government’s ability to address pollution and climate change. The law vows to cut plastic packaging by 25 percent in 10 years and requires 65% of all single-use packaging to be recycled in the same time frame. (In the photo, students Colton O’Connell, left, a business administration major with a concentration in consumer packaging, and Serena Pu, an industrial technology and packaging major, work on their sustainable packaging prototype in a packaging development class.)
Geeky Ink
How much do you love your field of study? Some people have a fun T-shirt, some have a bumper sticker — and some have tattooed it onto their skin. In April, Cal Poly staff writers spoke with students, faculty and staff members who have tattoos commemorating their chosen fields.
Student Success
First Cal Poly Scholar Selected for Congressional Internship in D.C.
Ethan Gutterman, a third-year history major and ethics, public policy, science and technology minor, will serve as Cal Poly’s 2022 representative to the Panetta Institute Congressional Internship Program. After a two-week training period at the Panetta Institute at CSU Monterey Bay, Gutterman will work in the capitol office of a California congressional representative in Washington, D.C., for 11 weeks in the fall. “I have been interested in politics for a long time, and I am thrilled for this opportunity to work in Congress and be immersed in the experience,” Gutterman said. “I’m also excited to meet and work with so many accomplished students from across the state through the program.” Gutterman is a Cal Poly Scholar — the first Scholar to be named a Panetta Intern — and has performed research through Cal Poly’s BEACoN Research Program. The Cal Poly Scholars program aims to support and retain high-achieving California students who come from low-income backgrounds.
Cal Poly Players Headed to the Majors
Third-year shortstop Brooks Lee became Cal Poly's highest draft pick ever when he was selected 8th overall by the Minnesota Twins in the 2022 Major League Draft. Pitcher Drew Thorpe was drafted by the New York Yankees in the second round as the 61st pick overall. It's the first time Cal Poly has had players picked in the first two rounds of a single draft. But it wasn't Lee's first experience being drafted. After graduating high school, Lee was drafted by the San Francisco Giants but turned it down to fulfill his commitment to play at Cal Poly with his father, Coach Larry Lee.
Transfer Inclusion Training for Staff and Faculty Aug. 30
In an effort to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for transfer students at Cal Poly, the Transfer Center is offering a Transfer Inclusivity Training to all staff, faculty and grad students on campus. This training will run 90 minutes and includes a short break. The summer quarter training will be offered Tuesday, Aug. 30, from 1-2:30 p.m. on Zoom. To learn more about ways to support a transfer-inclusive Cal Poly, check out the supporting transfers website.
Faculty and Staff
Sign Up For a Mustang Move-In Volunteer Shift
Volunteer shift signups are still available for Mustang Move-in this fall. Sign up to volunteer and play an important role in supporting first-year and continuing students as they move into their new home away from home Sept. 13-18. Click here to sign up. All employee volunteers will receive a $50 gift card to the University Store for completing their shift. Opportunities are also available to make this a great team-building activity for you and your colleagues. To learn more and sign up, visit the Employee Engagement Program page.
CTLT Welcoming New Faculty Sept 8
All new and recently hired faculty have the opportunity to connect with Cal Poly and fellow new hires at the New Faculty Foundations event from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8, in the Advanced Technology Lab (ATL), No. 7. Faculty (lecturers and tenure-line) who are beginning at Cal Poly this fall and any faculty who started in winter or spring 2022 are welcome. A panel of recent new faculty will answer questions, Provost Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore will provide a welcome, and Denise Isom, interim vice president for diversity and inclusion, will provide a keynote. Lunch and an end-of-the-day ice cream social are included. More details about the day’s schedule and registration can be found on the New Faculty Foundations webpage.
Kennedy Library Provides Resources for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Curriculum
The CSU Chancellor’s Office has licensed multiple digital collections of primary sources that are available to all employees and students through the Kennedy Library. These resources include primary sources documenting the experiences of people of color in the United States, including:
- EBSCO’s Ethnic Diversity Sources, which covers culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of African Americans, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Jewish Americans, Latinx Americans, Native Americans and Multiracial Americans.
- The Adam Matthew primary resources from Race Relations in America, American Indian Histories and Cultures, and American Indian Newspapers.
- Proquest ‘s LA Sentinel, African-American Community and Japanese American Incarceration primary resources.
In addition, Cal Poly has added the following resources to its library collections:
- Newsbank’s Hispanic Life in America and Native American Tribal Histories.
- Proquest’s Latino Literature and Latin American Women Writers.
- Gale Archives including: Asian American Studies, African American Studies, Radical Studies, and National Farm Worker Ministry.
The new resources and the library’s over 230 databases can be found on the library databases webpage.
Staff Appreciation Football Game and Barbecue Set for Sept. 10
Save the date for the annual Universitywide Staff Appreciation Barbecue/Football Game on Sept. 10. In appreciation for all that staff do for Cal Poly all year long, state, ASI and CPC staff are invited to a fun-filled day: a barbecue and ice cream bars followed by cheering on our team at the first home football game. All staff will receive an email invitation with a link for complimentary tickets (up to four per staff member — additional tickets may be purchased). Complimentary tickets must be obtained by Aug. 31. The Tailgate Barbecue will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on O’Neill Green, followed by the game at 2:05 p.m. Cal Poly will play the University of San Diego in Spanos Stadium.
CTLT offering Foundations of College Teaching workshops
The Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology is rolling out a new set of workshops before classes start, which were created to introduce newer faculty to core skills for college teaching. The Foundations of College Teaching workshops are hands-on, basic-level workshops designed to be especially useful for educators who have had modest amounts of mentoring or guidance on effective teaching. They are likely of special interest to faculty who are professional and industry experts hired as lecturers with little prior college-level teaching experience. They are designed as well for recent graduates who had few opportunities to develop teaching skills in their program. In addition, any Cal Poly educator interested in refreshing their skills are welcome. The workshops include a working session that provides opportunities to begin drafting materials for immediate application. Each is offered multiple times in recognition of the many obligations that newer faculty have before classes begin. For workshop titles, descriptions and dates/times as well as to register, visit the Foundations of College Teaching page on the CTLT website.
Zoom Cloud Recordings to be Deleted After 180 Days, Starting Dec. 16
Zoom video that you have recorded and saved in the cloud are stored in Zoom Cloud Recordings. Starting Dec. 16, all Zoom cloud recordings will automatically delete 180 days after they are created. This means on Friday, Dec. 16, your video files saved to the cloud on or before June 19 will be deleted. Prepare now by identifying video in Zoom Cloud Recordings you need to keep and download them. Upload and store your video in MS Stream, OneDrive, your computer or MS SharePoint to take advantage of the newest Microsoft features like video enhancements and viewer analytics. Help is available in the Knowledge Base or from the ITS Service Desk at ext. 6-7000 or [email protected].
Jodi Block, director of Sponsored Programs, will retire on Sept. 2. Block has been with the Cal Poly Corporation for 27 years, first in the CPC Payroll Department and then in Sponsored Programs, now a part of Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education, for the last 19 years. Block has been an invaluable member of R-EDGE and the Sponsored Programs team. She will be greatly missed!
Campus Announcements
Campus Dining Job Fair Aug. 20
Job seekers can earn $22-23 per hour for part-time work! Campus Dining is looking to fill over 40 part- and full-time positions in both front and back of house. Get hired on the spot at the Campus Dining Job Fair on Saturday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Scout Coffee Co. on campus on Grande Avenue. Parking is free in the Grand Avenue structure. Come for onsite interviews and to hear about the benefits of working with Campus Dining.
Cal Poly 2022-26 Catalog Now Available
The 2022-26 Cal Poly Catalog, which is effective fall 2022 through summer 2026, is now available at To view earlier catalogs, select “Previous Catalogs” from the navigation menu. The Cal Poly Catalog is the official listing of academic programs and courses offered by the university. The catalog also includes student-related academic policy and provides information on student services.
Enjoy Family Fun Days at the Recreation Center
Family Fun Days are back. Through Sept. 4, Cal Poly Recreation Center members are invited to host their friends and family at the Recreation Center on Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. Bring up to two adults and six children to enjoy the facility's Leisure Pool, sand volleyball courts, racquetball, basketball and more. To get passes, members must visit the Membership Services Front Desk at the Recreation Center. A one-day guest pass is $10 for adults and $5 for children.
Visit the ASI website for details
Summer Student and Alumni Memberships Specials Are Here
Don’t skip a beat — keep the Cal Poly Recreation Center part of your summer routine. This summer, students can take advantage of the Recreation Center’s best-in-class pricing and unrivaled amenities for $45 a month. And, 2022 graduates can take advantage of a new alumni membership special — buy two months and get one free.
Learn more about ASI memberships
Campus Blood Drive Set for Sept. 26
Be a hero and save up to three lives in under an hour. Join the campus blood drive on Monday, Sept. 26, when a Vitalant bus will be parked on the concrete walkway on Dexter Lawn, near the Dexter Building (No. 34). Appointments are available between 10 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Scheduled donations are prioritized over walk-ups. Donors are encouraged to hydrate well and eat a hearty meal before donating. The blood drive is hosted by the Orfalea College of Business, University Personnel and Campus Health and Wellbeing. Contact Lisa Gray at [email protected] for more information.
Join ASI Aquatics’ New Youth Swim Lessons
Learning to swim starts with ASI Aquatics’ Youth Swim Lessons. Coming this fall, ASI Recreational Sports will offer small, tailored group Youth Swim Lessons to Cal Poly Recreation Center members’ children aged 4-16. Sign your child up for Youth Swim Lessons to give them the opportunity to learn with participants (delete of) with similar skill levels and be paired with instructors that best fit their abilities. Registration begins on Aug. 15, and classes start on Sept. 11. Learn more about session times, costs and more on the ASI website.
Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Host Demo Day 2022
The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) will host its annual Demo Day to showcase seven Summer Accelerator program startups at SLO Brew Rock on Tuesday, Sept. 13. Demo Day culminates the CIE’s 2022 Summer Accelerator, an intensive, 13-week program that helps students and recent graduates develop their startup ideas into real businesses. Representatives from each of the seven companies will pitch their startups and show what they’ve accomplished with the help of dedicated CIE mentors and staff. The event is open to the public and attendees will get the opportunity to meet Cal Poly’s top innovators and discuss how their startups are shaping the future of innovation. Demo Day general admission tickets to attend in-person at SLO Brew Rock are available for $10. In-person seating is limited, but the event will also be livestreamed for those who register for virtual tickets.
Event Postings is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and includes events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to [email protected].
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
Note that a minimum three-day lead time is required to process a request for use of space through the Office of the Registrar.
Visit Cal Poly Now for Student Affairs events, learning opportunities and more
Find the latest student-focused campus events from your favorite Student Affairs programs and services by visiting the new Cal Poly Now.
For an overview of up-to-date sports information, photos and videos, visit Fall sports events will be added to the schedule below in the summer editions of Cal Poly Report. Per current guidelines from the state and San Luis Obispo County Public Health, fans will be permitted for outdoor events at 100% capacity with face masks recommended but not required. These guidelines may be revisited as necessary. Tickets can be purchased at the Cal Poly Ticket office, located at the Performing Arts Center, and online.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Sunday, Aug. 21
Women's Soccer vs. Iowa, Spanos Stadium, 10:30 a.m.
Monday, Sept. 5
Men's Soccer vs. Houston Baptist, Spanos Stadium, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 10
Football vs. U. San Diego, Spanos Stadium, 2 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 15
Women's Soccer vs. UC Santa Barbara, Spanos Stadium, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 17
Men's Soccer vs. Saint Mary's, Spanos Stadium, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 21
Men's Soccer vs. UC Santa Barbara, Spanos Stadium, 7 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 22
Women's Soccer vs. San Diego, Spanos Stadium, 7 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 23
Women's Volleyball vs. Long Beach State, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 24
Men's Soccer vs. San Diego, Spanos Stadium, 5 p.m.
Women's Volleyball vs. Cal State Fullerton, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 25
Women's Soccer vs. Hawai'i, Spanos Stadium, noon.
Job Vacancies
Employment Opportunities
For all available job openings, visit All new positions opened this week are listed below. To apply, go online and complete the application form. Current employees can also find job postings at CSU Careers, an internal job site for CSU employees. For assistance, call Human Resources at ext. 6-2236.
#512172 — Student Services Administrative Coordinator — College of Science and Mathematics (Administrative Coordinator I) — Academic Affairs — Provost. $39,312-$61,776 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $39,312-$48,000 per year. Open until filled.
#517050 — Football Team Operations Assistant (Administrative Support Assistant II) — Student Affairs — Intercollegiate Athletics. $18-$26.49 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $18-$21.63 per hour. Open until filled.
#517379 — Administrative Support Coordinator — Food Science and Nutrition (Administrative Support Coordinator I) — Academic Affairs — Provost — College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences — Food Science and Nutrition. $3,276-$5,148 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $3,833-$4,280 per month. Open until filled.
#517440 — Financial Aid Scholarship Counselor — Strategic Enrollment Management — Financial Aid. $51,648-$73,440 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $51,648-54,000 per year. Open until filled.
#517606 — Emergency Hire Student Services Professional IB — University Housing (Student Services Professional IB) — Student Affairs — University Housing — Residential Student Experience. $21.90-$30.98 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $21.90 per hour. Open until filled.
#517710 — Emergency Hire Instructional Support Assistant II — Computer Engineering —Academic Affairs — Provost — College of Engineering — Computer Engineering. $18.32-$28.76 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $18.32-$20.15 per hour. Open until filled.
#512903 — Associate Vice President Strategic Enrollment Management (Administrator III) — Strategic Enrollment Management — SEM Institutional Effectiveness. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#512942 — Assistant Vice President for DEI Strategic Planning and Networks (Administrator III) — Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#516334 — Safety and Security Operations Analyst (Administrative Analyst/Specialist-12 month) — Student Affairs — University Housing Operations. $46,764-$84,612 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $55,000-$75,000 annually. Open until filled.
#516735 — Administrative Coordinator — Leadership and Service (Administrative Support Coordinator I) — Student Affairs — Leadership and Service. $39,312-$61,776 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $39,312-$48,000 annually. Open until filled.
#517017 — Emergency Hire-Benefits Manager (Administrator I) — University Personnel — UP Benefits and Employee Services. $21.63-$60.10 per hour. Anticipated hiring salary: $41.38 per hour. Open until filled.
#517140 — Emergency Hire Administrative Support Coordinator II — College of Engineering —Academic Affairs — Provost — College of Engineering. $19.85- 32.53 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $19.85-$21.84 per hour. Open until filled.
#517159 — Medical Assistant — Campus Health and Wellbeing (Medical Assistant) — Student Affairs — Health Services Clinical Services. $37,440-$60,180 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $38,400-$45,600 per year. Open until filled.
#517359 — Emergency Hire Administrative Support Assistant II — Art and Design (Administrative Support Assistant II) — Academic Affairs — Provost — College of Liberal Arts — Art and Design. $18-$26.49 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $18-$19.80 per hour. Open until filled.
#516537 — Assessment and Research Analyst — Student Affairs Assessment and Research (Administrative Analyst/Specialist) — Student Affairs — Assessment and Research. $46,764-$84,612 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $60,000-$75,000 annually. Open until filled.
#516113 — Facilities and Event Operations Coordinator (Administrative Support Coordinator II) Student Affairs — Intercollegiate Athletics — Event Operations. $41,280-$67,668 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $43,200-$48,000 annually. Open until filled.
#516685 — Administrative Support Assistant — Career Services (Admin Support Assistant 12 Month) — Student Affairs — SAE&T — Career Services. $37,440-$55,104 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $37,440-$45,000 per year. Open until filled.
#516866 — Men’s Soccer Team Operations Assistant (Administrative Support Assistant II) —Student Affairs — Intercollegiate Athletics — Soccer Men. $18-$26.49 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $18-$21.63 per hour. Open until filled.
#516971 — Academic Advisor — Mustang Success Center (SSP II) — Academic Affairs Provost — University Advising. $51,648-$73,440 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $51,648-$54,000 per year. Open until filled.
#516994 — Retention Specialist (SSP III) — Academic Affairs Provost — University Advising. $56,292-$80,196 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $56,292-$66,000 per year. Open until filled.
#517031 — Parking Community Service Specialist (Community Service Specialist I) —Administration and Finance — Transportation and Parking Services. $37,440-$54,012 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $37,440-$48,000 per year. Open until filled.
#517043 — Director, Disability Resource Center (Administrator II) — Student Affairs — Disability Resource Center. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#515497 — Dean of Extended, Professional, and Continuing Education (Administrator III) — Academic Affairs-Provost — Extended Education. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#515526 — Laborer-Facilities Management and Development (Laborer) — Administration and Finance — Facilities Management — Landscape Services. $3,120-$5,048 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $3,120-$3,650 per month. Open until filled.
#516143 — Dairy Operations Manager (Administrator I) — Academic Affairs — Provost — College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences — Animal Science. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#516304 — Oppenheimer Family Equine Center Manager (Administrator I) — Academic Affairs — Provost — College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences — Animal Science. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#516556 — Registration Coordinator — Extended Education (Admin Analyst/Specialist 12 Month)–Academic Affairs Provost — Extended Education CERF. $39,456-$76,164 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $53,800-$65,000 per year. Open until filled.
#516727 — Off Campus Housing Coordinator — Dean of Students (Administrative Analyst/Specialist-Exempt I) — Student Affairs — Dean of Students. $46,764-$84,612 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $51,000-$61,000 annually. Open until filled.
#514144 — Communications Specialist (Public Affairs/Communications Specialist II) — Academic Affairs Provost — CENG Advancement. $42,180-$76,296 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $54,000-$66,000 per year. Open until filled.
#516390 — Emergency Hire Graphic Designer I — Career Services (Graphic Designer I) —Student Affairs — Career Services. $19.85-$33.66 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $19.85-$21.84 per hour. Open until filled.
#516412 — Winery Manager (Administrator I) — Academic Affairs — Provost — College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences — Wine and Viticulture. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#516438 — Catalog and Curriculum Systems Analyst (Admin Analyst/Specialist 12 Month) — Strategic Enrollment Management — SEM Office of the Registrar. $46,764 - $84,612 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $52,000 – $61,000 per year. Open until filled.
To find internally posted positions, start from the Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left-hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” All internally and externally posted positions appear there. For a full list of available jobs, go to
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Visit for current openings, further information and how to apply. For assistance, email Academic Personnel at [email protected].
There are no new listings this week.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
#201000645 — Food Service Associate — Campus Dining — $15.30-$16.50 per hour, $500 sign-on bonus. Full time. Open until filled.
#201000646 — Cook — Campus Dining — $15.78-$17.25 per hour, $500 sign-on bonus. Full time. Open until filled.
#201000647 — Custodian, Cal Poly Campus Dining — Campus Dining — $16.50-$17.25 per hour, $500 sign-on bonus. Full time. Open until filled.
#201000648 — Warehouse Specialist, Cal Poly Campus Dining — Campus Dining — $15.78-$17.25 per hour, $500 sign-on bonus. Full time. Open until filled.
#201000649 — Assistant Supervisor, Cal Poly Campus Dining — Campus Dining — $18.22-$19.50 per hour, $500 sign-on bonus. Full time. Open until filled.
#201000650 — Lead Cook — Campus Dining —$18.22-$19.50 per hour, $500 sign-on bonus. Full time. Open until filled.
#201000651 — Supervisor, Cal Poly Campus Dining — Campus Dining —$21.05-$21.75 per hour, $500 sign-on bonus. Full time. Open until filled.
#201000652 — Sous Chef — Campus Dining — $24.31-$25 per hour, $500 sign-on bonus. Full time. Open until filled.
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Visit the Work For ASI webpage for a full listing of available positions and to apply. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at [email protected].
Accounting Technician I — $20.67 per hour. Full-time. Open until filled.
Assistant Coordinator — Human Resources (18-Month Temporary Position), $27.70 per hour. Full-time. Open until filled.
Building Service Worker — $18.76 per hour. Full-time. Open until filled.
Club Services Assistant — $20.67 per hour. Full-time. Open until filled.
Food Program Supervisor — $21.64 per hour. Full-time. Open until filled.
Head Teacher — $24.34 per hour. Full-time. Open until filled.
Teacher — $18.93 per hour. Full-time. Open until filled.
Intermittent Fitness Instructor — $17-32 per hour*. Open until Sept. 2. *Variable rate depending on category of work.
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report (CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication. Weekly publication resumes Sept. 7.