Awardees to be Recognized at Convocation on Sept. 13
Faculty and staff are invited to attend the annual Convocation event at 2:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 13, in the Performing Arts Center. The event will also be live-streamed on the Fall Conference website. Keith Humphrey, vice president for Student Affairs, will serve as emcee. The program includes representatives from student government, the California Faculty Association and the Academic Senate. President Armstrong will give his State of the University address. The award winners for Distinguished Scholarship, Distinguished Teaching, Outstanding Staff, and Outstanding Faculty Advisory will be recognized. A reception will immediately follow at approximately 4 p.m. in the PAC Plaza. Spouses and partners of employees are welcome to attend. More information is available online at
Swanton Pacific Ranch Receives $4.7 Million Grant to Assist with Post-Fire Recovery Efforts
Cal Poly’s Swanton Pacific Ranch was recently awarded a $4.7 million grant from Cal Fire’s Forest Health Program to assist with post-fire recovery efforts. The grant is the second of two Cal Fire grants, totaling nearly $9 million, recently awarded to further the ranch’s efforts to bring about sustainable, long-term solutions to the management and stewardship of working landscapes. The grant funding comes one year after the CZU Lightning Complex Fire swept through Swanton Pacific Ranch in Davenport, California, destroying many of the structures and much of the surrounding forest. Swanton Pacific Ranch partnered with nearby Cal Fire Soquel Demonstration State Forest to seek the $4.7 million grant, which provides critical funding for fire resilience planning and creates key opportunities for students to assist in implementing treatments to restore and maintain healthy forests while enhancing carbon storage. The funding will facilitate increased efforts in forest health and resilience and increased wildfire safety by implementing treatments such as reforestation, forest thinning, removal of dead trees and other potential fire fuels, and pruning trees to more than 930 acres of redwood forest between the two sites, both of which are designated as outreach forests in coastal redwood systems. Read the news release.
Cal Poly’s Education Talent Search Secures New Five-Year Federal Grant
Cal Poly’s Educational Talent Search (ETS) program recently received a new five-year federal grant that will serve 500 local junior high and high school students per year. The federally funded pre-college program supports sixth- through 12th-grade students in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties who want to pursue higher education at a community college or university with counseling, as well as information about college admission requirements, scholarships, college entrance exams and more. All told, the five-year grant will award $277,375 to the program on an annual basis through 2026. Read the news release.
Kennedy Library to Fully Reopen with Updated Fall Quarter Hours
Kennedy Library will reopen its doors and all five floors on Monday, Sept. 13, for the first time since closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. The week of Sept. 13, the library will be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Starting Sept. 20, the library will be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and closed weekends to begin the quarter. More information is available on the fall hours webpage. The library will offer electronic Course Reserves only for fall quarter. For more details on how the library can help faculty make electronic course materials available for students, see the course reserves webpage. The Service Desk, ITS Tech Rentals and PolyCard Services will open in Hub24 starting Sept. 13. Before Sept. 13, the Service Desk will continue to offer virtual tech support throughout the summer Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To get help, create a request online via Support center, or call ext. 6-7000. For more information, visit
Cal Poly Posts First-Ever Livestream of Rattlesnakes
Biological Sciences Department researchers have set up the first livestream of rattlesnakes in the wild. During daytime hours, viewers can see expectant mother snakes at a large communal nest on California’s Central Coast, and, in days, their pups. “Rattlesnakes are portrayed on television programs as bloodthirsty, aggressive beasts; nothing could be further from the truth,” said biology Professor Emily Taylor, who leads the research team. “I hope that by watching rattlesnakes behaving as they actually do, with mothers taking care of their pups and even babysitting for each other, people might think better of rattlesnakes.” Taylor expects the pups to be born in the next few days and to remain at the rookery with their mothers through mid to late September. Read the full article on the Cal Poly News website.
Student Success
Student Research Aims to Make Campus’ Solar Field More Powerful
A team of engineering students is continuing research at Cal Poly's Gold Tree Solar Field to better predict power output for different solar tracking settings — and generate more power for campus over time. The students are part of the College of Engineering’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP), which has empowered teams of students to tackle meaningful research alongside faculty and industry partners since 2017. The solar field has always dealt with one specific challenge: because it is set on the naturally sloping landscape, several rows of panels cast shadows on each other when the sun is low in the sky, which chips away at the overall power output. Refining computer modeling and tracking software will be important to the industry as flat parcels are not always available and solar panels are installed on more uneven terrain in the race to leverage renewable energy and hit ambitious targets for renewables. “Ultimately what we want is to publish this information and allow any solar fields that are in the same situation to not have to go through everything we did,” says mechanical engineering Professor Jacques Belanger. “What we're trying to quantify is applicable to any solar field in the country or the world.” Read the full article on the Cal Poly News website.
City and Regional Planning Students Recognized for Work with Village of San Martin
Fifty city and regional planning (CRP) students will be honored for proposals that may ease urban encroachment on farmland around a Santa Clara County community. Their work in the village of San Martin, a community of about 7,000 residents in the southern end of Santa Clara Valley, about 20 miles south of San Jose, received two awards from American Planning Association California chapters: an Academic Award for Excellence from the Central Coast Section and an Empowerment Award of Excellence from the Northern Section. The student awards for the Northern Section will be presented in November in San Francisco at the annual Northern Division gathering. Over the last several decades, farmland in Santa Clara County has been endangered by constant urban encroachment. San Martin, located on Highway 101 between Morgan Hill and Gilroy, is no exception. In the spring of 2020, two Cal Poly studios — CRP 553 and CRP 341 — were asked to develop “out-of-the-box” concept plans for agricultural and farmland solutions for the unincorporated and predominantly rural residential community. Read the news release.
Volunteers Needed to Welcome New Mustangs at Fall Move-In
University Housing invites all faculty and staff to volunteer to help new and returning students move into campus residence halls and apartments during Mustang Move-In. This is a fun way to be one of the first to welcome students and their supporters to the campus community.
As a volunteer, you may:
- Welcome new students and their supporters.
- Provide directions and answer questions.
- Help unload cars into rolling carts and direct students to buildings.
- Collect rolling carts.
- Coordinate student and staff volunteers (leads only).
All volunteers will receive a meal voucher and will be entered into a drawing for two iPad minis and other great prizes. Help create a positive and welcoming experience for new and returning students. To learn more and to sign up, visit the Mustang Welcome Volunteer Sign-up Webpage.
To volunteer as a Team Lead, visit the Mustang Welcome Team Lead Sign-up Webpage for more information.
Cal Poly to Host Campus Comeback Sept. 18-28 for Returning Students
Student Affairs will host Campus Comeback, a series of campuswide events to be held Sept. 18-28 to help returning students re-engage with the campus community. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students have been away from campus for more than a year, while others haven’t had the opportunity to experience it at all. Campus Comeback will offer a wide selection of opportunities to help students find their sense of community, get familiar with the physical campus and surrounding area, and connect with faculty, advisors and support services. Students will also have opportunities to learn about and sign up for clubs and organizations, meet classmates, locate key campus resources, and attend in-person social events. Campus Comeback, which features nearly 40 on-campus events, is coordinated by the Office of the Dean of Students and in partnership with numerous programs and departments. For more information, visit the Campus Comeback page.
Applications Due Sept. 16 for Men of Color Success Initiative Mentorship Program
The Men and Masculinities Program’s Men of Color Success Initiative (MOCSI) is accepting faculty and staff mentor applications through Sept. 16 for the 2021-22 cohort of its MOCSI Mentorship Program. The mentorship program serves to connect first-year and transfer undergraduate and graduate men of color at Cal Poly with a dynamic community of peer and faculty/staff mentors who create a network of social, professional and academic support for mentees. This network serves to further develop mentees’ self-identity and to increase their sense of community, engagement and persistence toward achieving their degree. Check out the application link for more details, mentor qualifications and to submit an application. The application deadline is 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16. Space is limited. Please share with any colleagues and students who might be interested. Questions? Contact Nick Bilich ([email protected]).
Find Qualified Student Applicants, Post On-campus Positions on MustangJOBS
Have a student employee job opening you’d like to promote? Easily post it on MustangJOBS powered by Handshake. Career Services offers this convenient, fast way to quickly reach many qualified student applicants. To post positions on MustangJOBS, click here to get started. A custom on-campus job posting guide for faculty and staff to maximize their recruiting efforts can be found here: On-Campus Job Posting Guide. For more information on using MustangJOBS, contact Career Services at [email protected] or ext. 6-2501.
Faculty & Staff
Heavy Traffic Expected Sept. 14-15 During Move-In
New student housing move-in is taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 14 and 15. These will be extremely heavy traffic days on and around campus. Faculty and staff who must come to campus on those days are asked to park in the “H” lots. Employees who are not part of the move-in process and have approved telecommuting agreements are encouraged to telecommute if possible.
Return to Campus Toolkits Provide Crucial Resources to Support Employees
The Employee and Organization Development department is proud to announce a Return to Campus Toolkit for Employees and a second Return to Campus Toolkit for Managers to support a safe and smooth campus repopulation effort. These are part of a collection of 23 toolkits custom curated for faculty, staff and student employees to provide on-demand resources to meet the personal and professional development needs of employees and managers. Whether transitioning back onto campus in a full-time or hybrid scenario, employees and managers will have the skills and support needed to succeed in navigating this transition. Check out these toolkits with practical information on resources available to address health and safety, productivity and meetings, planning and re-boarding, and employee well-being. For additional information on Cal Poly resources and policies to support a safe return to campus, also see the Learn & Grow September Newsletter: Hybrid Campus.
Open Enrollment is Coming Soon
Open Enrollment, which begins Sept. 20 through Oct. 15, is an annual opportunity to review, enroll, cancel or make changes to your health, dental, vision, flexcash, dependent care reimbursement account, healthcare reimbursement account, or voluntary benefits plans to be effective January 2022. Open enrollment information will be made available on the Open Enrollment webpage as details are provided from the Chancellor’s Office and various providers.
Save the date for the Virtual Benefits Fair, where various health plan and voluntary plan providers will be present to share important information about rates, changes and key features. This is also an opportunity to ask questions as you make important decisions regarding your coverage. The Virtual Benefits Fair will be available as follows:
- Sept. 29, 10 a.m. to noon.
- Sept. 30, 1-3 p.m.
- Oct. 1, 10 a.m. to noon.
Expect an email communication from Human Resources later in September with more information about Open Enrollment and registration details for the Virtual Benefits Fair.
Employees Can Resume Travel Using Concur
The travel restrictions in place due to the pandemic are easing, and faculty and staff are free to continue their business and educational trips. Following approval to travel, faculty and staff can begin scheduling trips, domestic and individual international travel utilizing Concur, the preferred method for booking travel. Concur is a comprehensive web-based tool that integrates travel requests, travel reservations (air, hotel and car rental) and expense reporting, including an automated approval workflow process all in one system. The Concur Travel Card is the preferred method of payment; transactions feed directly into the system for easy record keeping. Until further notice, student and group travel must follow the traditional paper process with international travel starting with the Cal Poly International Center. All international travel requests will be vetted through the International Center, with high-hazard locations requiring approval from the provost. All travelers must sign the “Traveler’s Acknowledgment of Risk Guidance,” accepting the risk of COVID-19 exposure. California’s ban on travel to states with discriminatory laws remains in place. New to the Concur travel process? Start by contacting the Poly Travel Office at [email protected] for help and to answer questions.
International Student Flag Available in Poly Profile
The International Center has launched a new flag in Poly Profile starting fall quarter. Students identified by the “SEVIS International Student" flag in Poly Profile are international students in F-1 or J-1 visa status. They have met federal visa regulation requirements in addition to their Cal Poly student requirements. These students have records that are managed by the International Center in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), which is a database maintained and monitored by the Department of Homeland Security. The International Center is identifying these international students for faculty and advising staff because special considerations should be taken when advising these students to avoid any violations of visa status. For example, the International Center must pre-approve some activities including, but not limited to, the following:
- Under-enrollment.
- Leaves of absence.
- Off-campus employment, including volunteer jobs and internships.
- Course withdrawals.
- Current and retroactive term withdrawals.
Contact an international student advisor at [email protected] with any questions. Also encourage students to contact [email protected] if they have questions related to their visa status.
CSU’s Got Talent Webcast to Focus on Cultural Intelligence as Foundation to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
CSU Learning and Development presents a series of live online webcasts every month that feature innovative and essential training for employees’ professional and personal success. Faculty, staff and student employees are invited to attend a free webcast on Wednesday, Sept. 29, from 10 to 11 a.m., "Cultural Intelligence as the Foundation to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” presented by Sandra Upton, vice president, global diversity practice at the Cultural Intelligence Center. View the Learn & Grow website for more information and registration.
New Data Security Compliance Training Requirement
Starting in October 2021, all faculty and staff will be required to complete Data Security and FERPA compliance training in the Cal Poly Learning Hub every two years. This requirement is dictated by the California State University (CSU) Information Security Awareness Training Policy (ICSUAM 8035). The data security and FERPA training course covers the importance of keeping private data secure and provides steps employees can take to maintain the confidentiality of Cal Poly data. Faculty and staff can complete the course now, or wait until it gets assigned in the Learning Hub next month.
Creating Accessible Course Materials Workshop Available in October
Since accessibility is key to creating inclusive learning spaces for students with disabilities, a four-week fully online workshop will be offered from Oct. 4-31 to provide faculty with hands-on experience creating accessible course content in Canvas. Participants will create an accessible Canvas page, an accessible Word document, and an instructional video with captions. They will also explore the Ally tool in Canvas to identify and fix inaccessible course content. Expect to spend seven to 10 hours per week. A $500 stipend is available for eligible participants. Questions? Email Pam Dougherty at [email protected]. Learn more and register.
New Employee Resources Available Online, On-Demand
The Employee and Organization Development department has live, online and on-demand resources to support all new employees and their managers throughout onboarding. Managers are encouraged to share the New Employee Page with new personnel to ensure access to critical information and onboarding professional development resources as well as convenient answers to frequently asked questions. Make sure to dedicate time in each new employee’s onboarding schedule to attend the live New Employee Orientation as well as watch the informational department introductions specifically designed to connect new employees to the campus culture, colleagues and information. Visit the New Employee Page for more information or reach out directly to [email protected].
Career Education Canvas Modules Available to Embed in Courses
Career Services offers career curriculum in Canvas modules, which faculty can embed in their courses. The modules were developed by a team of professional career counselors in consultation with the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Career Services Advisory Council, faculty and students. The following modules are currently offered:
- Networking
- Interviewing
- Discovering Career Possibilities
- Navigating Your Job/Internship Search
- Resume and Cover letter
- Porfolium (e-portfolio) (New!)
Each module is designed to be delivered asynchronously and includes several customizable components, such as readings, videos and activities. Faculty are encouraged to complement the material in modules by having a career counselor visit the class synchronously as well. Click here to gain access to curriculum modules or to learn more about them.
Faculty Advisor Training Series Available in Fall 2021
University Advising is offering a Faculty Advisor Training series that introduces undergraduate faculty advisors to academic advising core competencies. The series includes:
- FA 101: Nuts and Bolts of Faculty Advising: Oct. 1
- FA 102: Assemble Your Faculty Advising Toolkit: Oct. 8
- FA 103: Building Student Success through Faculty Advising: Oct. 22
Click here for more information about the Faculty Advisor Training series. Questions? Contact Christina Wolfe-Chandler, advisor training coordinator, at [email protected].
Catastrophic Leave
Amanda Sanchez, custodian in Facilities Management — Custodial Services, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help her remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Carly McGuire at ext. 6-7169 or [email protected] to request a donation form.
Kathleen Bracamonte, administrative support assistant in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design — Architecture, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help her remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Mariam Emyan at ext. 6-1439 or [email protected] to request a donation form.
Basak Williford, student services professional II in SEM — Office of the Registrar, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help her remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Helen Bailey at ext. 6-6313 or [email protected] to request a donation form.
Anya Booker, student services professional III in the Black Academic Excellence Center, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help her remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact leave coordinator Laurie Kobliska at ext. 6-5833 or [email protected] to request a donation form.
Adrianna Montoya, custodian in Facilities Management — Custodial Services, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help her remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Carly McGuire at ext. 6-7169 or [email protected] to request a donation form.
Angela Bernal, custodian in University Housing — Custodial Operations, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help her remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Tony Simpson at ext. 6-7781 or [email protected] to request a donation form.
Campus Announcements
Campus Dining Features New Venues and Improvements
Campus community members who are returning or coming to campus for the first time this fall will be greeted with numerous new and improved dining experiences. Vista Grande is fully open and offering indoor dining. The Dining Complex (Building 19) is closed for renovation, and two food truck parks, one located outside Mott Athletics Center and the other at Upper Mustang Way, are being created to serve this area. One of the biggest changes this fall is that Campus Dining is asking for all orders be placed through Grubhub. Campus Dining started using mobile ordering in 2018 and switched completely to Grubhub during the pandemic. This method has proven to be an efficient way to order and an effective means of lessening crowds. Customers can order ahead and pick up when they are notified. Along this line, Campus Dining will no longer accept cash payment. For more information about what’s new, Campus Dining has created a flyer.
Campus Blood Drive Scheduled for Sept. 30
A blood drive will be hosted from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 30, by the Orfalea College of Business, Human Resources and Campus Health and Wellbeing. A Vitalant bus will be parked on the concrete walkway on Dexter Lawn, near the Dexter Building (No. 34). Scheduled donations are prioritized over walk-ups; please sign up for an appointment. Donors are encouraged to hydrate well and eat a hearty meal before donating. Sign up here or contact Lisa Gray at [email protected] for more information.
Free AWS Cloud Training Available Sept. 22
Extended Education is offering another opportunity for campus community members to receive free cloud training through its Amazon Web Services (AWS) Discovery Day event. On Sept. 22 from 9 a.m. to noon, Cal Poly will offer a Discovery Day session hosted on Zoom. This event is free and offers a great way for those who are interested to learn more about AWS fundamental cloud concepts and services. Cal Poly joined the AWS Partner Network (APN) Training Partner Program in October, which enables authorized instructors at the university to deliver training developed by AWS. To learn more about this unique partnership and to register for the Discovery Day event, visit the AWS Training website.
Statistical Consulting Service Available During Fall
The Statistics Department provides a statistical consulting service to the university community to facilitate research design and data analysis in a wide variety of disciplines. Consulting will be available through Dec. 3 by appointment only. Ulric Lund will serve as the consultant. He is available to advise on data collection, experimental design and analysis of research projects. In addition, he is available to lead seminars or tutorials on requested topics and offer advice on various computer packages available at Cal Poly. Faculty, staff and students interested in utilizing the consulting service are encouraged to access the Statistics Department website for additional information, including what to bring to a consulting session. To schedule a consultation, email [email protected].
Volunteers Needed for Cal Poly Cat Program
The Cal Poly Cat Program (CPCP), a nonprofit, 100% volunteer, full-service cat shelter located on campus, is seeking volunteers. Since last year, 160 kittens were rescued, over 160 feral cats were TNR’ed (trapped, neutered, and released), and 186 adopted. The program is geared for students — it provides excellent Learn by Doing opportunities in animal care — but shelter volunteers also include Cal Poly staff, faculty, and community members. Shelter duties include cleaning cages, litter boxes, and doing laundry. After the cleaning is done, it's playtime — all the cuddles and love you can handle! Shelter volunteer shifts are seven days a week, beginning at 7 a.m. and lasting into the late evening. If you’re not up for cleaning but would like to assist with our TNR effort, we’d be happy to have you help us. To learn more, visit the CPCP website; to volunteer, contact [email protected].
Event Postings is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at
Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around our campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and include events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to [email protected].
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
For an overview of up-to-date sports information, photos and videos, visit Per current guidelines from the state and San Luis Obispo County Public Health, fans will be permitted for outdoor events at 100% capacity. Indoor events also will be at 100% capacity with certain restrictions. These guidelines may be revisited as necessary. Tickets for football, men's and women's soccer and women's volleyball games can be purchased at the Cal Poly Ticket office, located at the Performing Arts Center, and online.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Friday, Sept. 10
Women's Soccer vs. Gonzaga, Spanos Stadium, 7 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 16
Men's Soccer vs. Grand Canyon, Spanos Stadium, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 18
Women's Volleyball vs. Loyola Marymount, Mott Athletics Center, 1 p.m.
Football vs. South Dakota, Spanos Stadium, 5:05 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 23
Men's Soccer vs. Cal State Fullerton, Spanos Stadium, 7 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 26
Men's Soccer vs. UC Riverside, Spanos Stadium, 12 noon.
Friday, Oct. 1
Women's Volleyball vs. UC Santa Barbara, Mott athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 2
Women's Volleyball vs. CSUN, Mott Athletics Center, 2 p.m.
Football vs. Weber State (Homecoming), Spanos Stadium, 5:05 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 3
Men's Soccer vs. CSUN, Spanos Stadium, 5 p.m.
Job Vacancies
Employment Opportunities
For all available job openings, visit All new positions opened this week are listed below. To apply, go online and complete the application form. Current employees can also find job postings at CSU Careers, an internal job site for CSU employees. For assistance, call Human Resources at ext. 6-2236.
#503664 — Athletics Communications Specialist (Public Affairs/Communications Specialist II) — Student Affairs — Intercollegiate Athletics. $42,180- $76,296 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $48,000-$66,000 per year. Open until filled.
#503959 — Administrative Support Coordinator — Psychology and Child Development (Administrative Support Coordinator II) — Academic Affairs — College of Liberal Arts. $37,380-$67,668 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $43,200-$57,600 per year. Open until filled.
#500766 — On-Site Support Specialist — Campus Support (Information Technology Consultant — Career) — Information Services — Client Services and Portfolio Management. $52,464-$129,504 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $65,000-$85,000 per year. Open until filled.
#504418 — Project Manager (Administrator II) — Administration and Finance — Facilities Management and Development. $54,996-$165,000 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $84,000-$96,000 per year. Open until filled.
#499240 — Systems Administrator (Operating Systems Analyst — Career) — Information Services — Infrastructure and Platform Development. $52,464-$129,504 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $79,200-$90,276 annually. Open until filled.
#503962 — Event Operations Analyst (Administrative Analyst/Specialist Exempt I) — Administration and Finance — Facilities Management and Development. $46,764-$84,612 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $55,200-$72,000 per year. Open until filled.
#504268 — Lead Groundsworker — Administration and Finance — Facilities Management and Development. $37,092-$67,116 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $45,600-$56,400 per year. Open until filled.
#503965 — Personnel Analyst — Orfalea College of Business (Administrative Analyst/Specialist Non-Exempt) — Academic Affairs — Orfalea College of Business. $39,456-$84,612 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $48,000-$64,800 per year. Open until filled.
#503953 — Assistant Director of Parking Services (Administrator I) — Administration and Finance — Public Safety. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#503645 — Administrative Coordinator — Music (Administrative Support Coordinator II) — Academic Affairs — College of Liberal Arts. $37,380-$67,668 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $45,600-$60,000 per year. Open until filled.
#503292 — Police Dispatcher II — Administration and Finance — Public Safety. $42,156-$76,224 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $57,600-$64,800 per year. Open until filled.
#504200 — Senior Director of Development — College of Science and Mathematics (Administrator II) — Academic Affairs — College of Science and Mathematics. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
#503668 — Administrative Support Coordinator — Animal Science (Administrative Support Coordinator II) — Academic Affairs — College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. $36,768-$61,776 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $43,200-$56,400 per year. Open until filled.
#504125 — Social Justice and MultiCultural Programs Coordinator — MultiCultural Center (Student Services Professional II) — Student Affairs — Diversity and Inclusion. $51,648-$73,440 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $51,648-$56,400 per year. Open until filled.
#504233 — Housing Management Software Specialist (Administrative Analyst/Specialist Non-Exempt) — Student Affairs — University Housing. $39,456-$76,164 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $48,000-$60,000 annually. Open until filled.
#503727 — Events Coordinator — Office of the President (Administrative Support Coordinator II) — Office of the President. $40,224-$67,668 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $43,200-$56,400 annually. Open until filled.
#503718 — University Housing Depot Support Associate (Laborer) — Student Affairs — University Housing. $2,912-$5,048 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $2,912-$3,650 per month. Open until filled.
#504087 — Lead Access Specialist and Deaf Services Coordinator (Student Services Professional III) — Student Affairs — Disability Research Center. $56,292-$80,196 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $56,292-$61,920 per year. Open until filled.
#503590 — Assistant Program Coordinator (Extended Education Specialist I) — Academic Affairs — Extended Education. $53,916-$76,740 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $53,916-$60,000 per year. Open until filled.
#503925 — Media and Communications Specialist (Public Affairs/Communication Specialist II) — Academic Affairs — College of Liberal Arts. $35,076-$63,396 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $40,800-$60,000 per year. Open until filled.
#504202 — Administrative Assistant — Office of the President (Confidential Office Support III) — Office of the President. $38,448-$68,196 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $45,000 - $60,000 annually. Open until filled.
#503924 — Administrative Support Assistant II 10/12 — English and History — Academic Affairs — College of Liberal Arts. $29,124-$45,924 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $30,000-$36,996 per year. This position is paid under the 10/12 pay plan, in which the salary for 10 months is distributed over 12 months. Open until filled.
#503301 — Administrative Coordinator — Biomedical Engineering (Administrative Support Coordinator II) — Academic Affairs — College of Engineering. $37,380-$67,668 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $43,200-$56,400 per year. Open until filled.
#503730 — Administrative Assistant — Chemistry and Biochemistry (Administrative Assistant II) — Academic Affairs — College of Science and Mathematics. $34,944-$55,104 annually. Anticipated hiring range: $36,000-$44,400 annually. Open until filled.
#503671 — Donor Relations and Financial Coordinator — Orfalea College of Business (Administrative Support Coordinator II) — Academic Affairs — Orfalea College of Business. $36,768-$61,776 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $43,200-$56,400 per year. Open until filled.
#503865 — Customer Service Specialist — Public Safety (Administrative Support Coordinator I) — Administration and Finance — Public Safety. $36,768-$61,776 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $37,380-$48,000 per year. Open until filled.
#503956 — Senior Parking Community Service Specialist (Community Service Specialist II) — Administration and Finance — Public Safety. $36,024-$60,588 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $43,200-$52,800 per year. Open until filled.
#503581 — Director of Procurement (Administrator II) — Administration and Finance — Strategic Business Services. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
To find internally posted positions, start from the Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left-hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” All internally and externally posted positions appear there. For a full list of available jobs, go to
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Visit for current openings, further information and how to apply. For assistance, email Academic Personnel at [email protected].
There are no new listings this week.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
Advancement Coordinator, Cal Poly Arts, $18-$20 per hour.
HR Coordinator, CPC Human Resources, $19.47-$23 per hour.
Research Assistant, Kinesiology, $16.88-$25.34 per hour.
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Visit the Work For ASI webpage for a full listing of available positions and to apply. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at [email protected].
There are no new listings this week.
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report (CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication.