EOC Spotlight: Command Section Drives Campus Response
For more than a year, Cal Poly’s Emergency Operations Center has coordinated the university’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As public health conditions improve and the campus community works to transition to near-normal operations in the fall, the EOC is winding down, returning many individuals who have worked many hours on the response back to their daily duties. This final Cal Poly Report item on the EOC team focuses on Command, which drives overall emergency policy and coordination. Throughout the pandemic, this team has kept an eye on its top objectives: to ensure the safety of the entire campus community, support academic excellence, and oversee and assist the work carried out by other sections. The command team includes the EOC director and deputy director, the public information officer, safety and liaison officers, and IT support. This team includes Anthony Knight, Dave Lee, Terrance Harris, Tina Hadaway-Mellis, Megan Harrington, Joy Pedersen, David Groom, Kathleen McMahon, Bruno Giberti, Aydin Nazmi, David Korpan, Diego Abeloos, Scott Tucker, Adrian Martinez, Alison Robinson, Beth Gallagher, Matt Lazier and Cynthia Lambert.
President’s Diversity Awards Recognize Achievements to Advance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Several members of the campus community were honored in May during the annual President’s Diversity Awards ceremony, an opportunity to recognize achievements in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. This year featured a new award, the Dolores Huerta Si Se Puede Award for Transformational Leadership, in honor of Huerta’s 90th birthday. The event, hosted by the Office of University Diversity and Inclusion, included opening remarks by Denise Isom, interim vice president for diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, and a welcome from President Armstrong. The awardees are:
- Faculty: Amber Williams, assistant professor, Psychology and Child Development.
- Staff: Lilianne Tang, coordinator, multicultural initiatives; and Olivia Tran, coordinator, womxn and gender equity initiatives, Student Diversity and Belonging.
- Student: Ashlee Hernandez, Master of Science degree in Higher Education Counseling/Student Affairs.
- Campus Organization: Asian Pacific Desi American Islander Faculty and Staff Association (APIDA FSA).
- Student Group: College of Liberal Arts Student Diversity Committee.
- Dolores Huerta Si Se Puede Award for Transformational Leadership: Beya Makekau, director of Student Diversity and Belonging.

Faculty Members Awarded Promotion and Tenure
President Jeffrey D. Armstrong and Provost and Executive Vice President Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore have announced the promotion of 43 faculty members and the award of tenure to 36 faculty members effective in the 2021-22 academic year. The promotions include 15 to the academic rank of professor or librarian, and 28 to the rank of associate professor. President Armstrong and Provost Jackson-Elmoore extend their congratulations and appreciation to those faculty members receiving promotion and/or tenure.
See the complete listing of promotions and tenure awards
Cal Poly Honors 2021 Community Service Award Recipients

The university’s annual Community Service Awards, now in its 35th year, recently recognized several campus community members and organizations for their spirit of civic engagement and contributions to the quality of life in San Luis Obispo. The Community Service Award honorees are selected on the basis of a written nomination by a panel of faculty, staff and students, and are given to highlight specific achievements in service. This year’s honorees are:
- Daisy Gonzales and Austin Jones (Service Learning — Student Team)
- Sara Bartlett, Ph.D. (Service Learning — Faculty)
- The Educators of Color Club (Significant Contribution — Organization)
- Larisa Williams (Significant Contribution — Student)
- Oscar Velasco-Vargas (AmeriCorps Member of the Year)
- Veterinary Community Service Enterprise (Outstanding Campus-Community Collaboration)
- Kappa Alpha Theta (Greek Community Contribution)
- Transitions-Mental Health Association — Growing Grounds Enterprises (Outstanding Community Partner)
Read more about this year’s honorees
Jasna Jovanovic Named Director of University Honors Program
Jasna Jovanovic, professor in the Psychology and Child Development Department, has been named the new director of the University Honors Program. Her official start date in this role will be Sept. 1, 2021. Jovanovic has taught at Cal Poly since 2005 and served as department chair for the Psychology and Child Development Department from 2014-20. Among her duties in this role, Jovanovic will lead the first ever institutional review of the Honors Program. Jovanovic succeeds Gregg Fiegel, who directed the Honors Program for over seven years and has made a tremendous impact on the program and the many students who have progressed through this program. Fiegel will be returning to his home department, Civil and Environmental Engineering, on a full-time basis. The Honors Program serves approximately 450 undergraduate students from nearly 60 different degree programs and all six Cal Poly colleges. As designed, the program fosters a supportive learning community where students engage with topics related to sustainability, equity, environmental justice, research, service and leadership.
Learn more about the Honors Program
COVID-19 Vaccination Opportunities Shift for Summer, Thousands More Students Report Being Vaccinated
Many convenient COVID-19 vaccination appointments are still available throughout the Central Coast for those seeking first or second doses. Now that SLO County's mass vaccination clinics are closed, everyone ages 12 and older can access free vaccination appointments at several County Public Health Department Offices and other local providers by visiting or calling 1-833-422-4255. also lists appointments available through many local pharmacies. Enrolled students can access vaccination appointments through Campus Health and Wellbeing this summer by calling the Health Center. Students finished spring quarter strong with more than 8,300 reporting they received all necessary doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. That total represents just under 40% of the overall student population and 73% of on-campus residents. More information on vaccination appointment options, transportation resources and links to public health guidance is on the vaccine page of the coronavirus website.
Accessibility Upgrades Planned for Summer 2021
To continue making the Cal Poly campus a more equitable, inclusive and accessible place for all members of the campus community, Facilities Management and Development (FMD) works closely each year with the Disability Resource Center and the Disability Access and Inclusion Committee to identify, prioritize and implement accessibility improvements throughout campus. Over the summer of 2021, FMD will implement several ADA projects, including restroom upgrades and building entrance ramps to improve accessibility in multiple buildings. Restroom ADA upgrades, which will also upgrade plumbing fixtures to low-flow types to conserve water, will take place in the Administration, Architecture and Environmental Design, Agricultural Sciences, Pilling Computer Science, English and the Science 52 buildings, as well as the H.P. Davidson Music Center. Accessible entrance ramps are planned for construction at the Spanos Theater and the east side of Pilling Computer Science Building. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to report accessibility barriers or related concerns to the DRC via the Campus Physical Accessibility Feedback Form. (The link to this secure, anonymous webform is also located on the DRC homepage and the Access to Cal Poly Facilities page.) Concerns reported are brought to the Disability Access and Inclusion Committee, which FMD is a part of, for evaluation of future improvement projects. Your feedback helps make Cal Poly a more inclusive and thriving community for all. Questions? Contact the Facilities Help Center or the Disability Resource Center.
Student Success
Six Outstanding Graduates Symbolize Hope, Perseverance and Tenacity of the Class of 2021
Members of Cal Poly’s Class of 2021, who overcame one of the most challenging years in school history, are excited about commencement and beginning the next phase of their lives. More than 5,300 graduates are eligible to take part in the virtual commencement June 11 and special in-person recognition events Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13. Attracted to the Learn by Doing ethos, they leave Cal Poly beaming with confidence for the future to begin careers or move on to advanced studies. Each of this year’s graduates leaves ready to become future leaders, innovators and problem-solvers — skills earned through studies steeped in a hands-on learning environment and working shoulder-to-shoulder with classmates and faculty members.

Meet six outstanding members of the Class of 2021
Spring 2021 Virtual Commencement, In-Person Events Set for June 11-13
More than 5,300 students are eligible to be honored in this year’s virtual commencement June 11 and in six spring graduate recognition events Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13. The Class of 2021 will have a virtual commencement Friday, June 11, similar to what was done for degree candidates last year. Each graduate’s name will be read at this online event, which will also include speeches as well as conferral of honorary degrees to five individuals — including former NFL coach, sportscaster and Pro Football Hall of Fame Member John Madden, a Cal Poly alumnus. The in-person graduate recognition events will be held at 9 a.m., 12:30 and 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in Alex G. Spanos Stadium. “Commencement is not the end but merely the beginning of the next stage in the lives of these graduates,” President Armstrong said. “While there are high expectations for each individual, they can travel hopeful. They are ready for the world, and the world is ready for them and needs them. We’re confident that the skills they’ve developed at Cal Poly will propel their transformation from yesterday’s students into tomorrow’s innovators and leaders.”
Learn more about the honorary degree recipients and in-person events
Michael Köehn RA of the Year Scholarship Recipient Named
University Housing has announced that materials engineering graduating senior Vincent Guarino was named the Michael Köehn Resident Advisor (RA) of the Year. Guarino is a member of the Sierra Madre and Yosemite Towers staff and has been an RA with University Housing for three years. He was recognized for developing a close-knit community within the Towers, building residents' confidence around participation in career and internship opportunities, and encouraging students to be themselves and to find similarities in their differences. University Housing thanks Guarino for his dedication to helping residential students. Thanks also to committee members Samuel Andrews, Sam Byrd and Suzanne LaCaro for their time and commitment to determine the scholarship recipient.
Help Career Services Gain Student Responses for the Annual Graduate Status Survey
Career Services is asking faculty and staff to help obtain a high response rate for the annual Graduate Status Survey (GSR), an important resource for prospective and current students, academic departments and the university. Support this important initiative by distributing the survey link to students, particularly those in senior-level courses. The GSR showcases graduates’ plans after Cal Poly, including employment (job title, employer, salary and location), graduate school (program and institution), and other plans. To learn more and sign up, go to the Graduate Status Report survey participation page. For details on resources available to Cal Poly alumni, click here.
Additional Transfer Inclusivity Training Session Set for June 30
Given high demand, the Transfer Center has added another Transfer Inclusivity Training for faculty and staff from 2-3:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 30. This training is focused on helping create a more inclusive and equitable environment for transfer students at Cal Poly. This training will run 90 minutes and includes a short break.
Faculty & Staff
Remember to Plan for Parking Before Returning to Campus
Faculty and staff working on campus this summer are now able to purchase parking permits online. Summer quarter permits are valid from June 14 to Sept. 10. Spring quarter parking permits expire June 16. A 12-month annual parking permit option is back and can also be purchased online. Annual permits are valid from June 14, 2021, to June 17, 2022. Payroll-deducted parking is also offered as a convenient option for staff and faculty to pay for a long-term parking permit. Faculty and staff who had a payroll-deducted permit prior to April 2020 and did not reactivate their deduction will need to re-enroll. Payroll-deducted parking will not automatically restart. Eligible state, ASI and Cal Poly Corporation employees may start payroll deduction at the beginning of any month. Employees of ASI and CPC can enroll or cancel payroll-deducted parking through Human Resources. Eligible state employees can enroll, change or cancel payroll deduction status through the Cal Poly portal. Access the “Update” link by navigating to the “My Job Tasks” portlet. Any updates to state payroll-deducted parking must be submitted before the third of the month to take effect in that month. Purchase permits online and update your vehicle information using your parking account.
Learn more about staff parking
Cleaning Out Your Office? Read These Tips First
Facilities Management and Development wants to help employees with any spring or summer cleaning they have planned. Here are a few tips:
- Separate student records or confidential material and arrange for confidential shredding.
- Those with more non-confidential papers, periodicals and other recyclables than will fit in a single desk-side recycle bin should request free delivery of a wheeled recycle cart from the Facilities Help Desk at ext. 6-5555.
- To remove furniture or larger items, put in a request to Moving and Surplus.
Questions? Call the Facilities Management and Development Help Center at ext. 6-5555 or email
New Ninjio Information Security Video on Social Engineering
Watch this month’s information security video from NINJIO to learn how to spot a job scam received via email or social media. In this episode, Liz, an aspiring film student, falls prey to a job scam. Through social engineering, malicious actors manipulate Liz into accepting a job offer and sending her computer to them. Learn how to spot a job scam and what you can do to protect yourself. All NINJIO training videos are available on the Cal Poly Learning Hub under the Staff and Faculty Training tab on the My Cal Poly Portal. NINJIO videos are also available to emeritus on the InfoSec Microsoft Stream.
Sign up for CTLT Summer Accessibility Workshops
The Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology is offering two separate four-week fully online workshops for faculty members. The time commitment for each workshop is seven to 10 hours per week, depending on skill level and experience.
- Creating Accessible Course Materials, July 6-Aug. 1: Faculty will develop skills to make course materials technically accessible for all students, with a focus on students with disabilities. This workshop covers Canvas accessibility, accessible documents and video captioning.
- Inclusive Course Design: Implementing the UDL Guidelines, Aug. 2-29: Faculty will apply the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to course materials, activities, and assessments. UDL increases access, reduces barriers and improves learning experiences for all students.
Free Document Accessibility Training Available
In partnership with renowned web accessibility nonprofit WebAIM, the CSU is providing free online, four-week training courses this spring on best practices for creating accessible documents and PDFs. This training is for those who make documents with Word, PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat. Learn how to use a few simple guidelines to create documents that are accessible to all users. As part of its commitment to excellence through diversity and inclusion, Cal Poly strives to ensure that campus communication is accessible to its student, employee and community audiences. Be part of that commitment. Join a training cohort that starts in June or July. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis.
Learn more about and sign up for the training
Faculty and Staff Invited to Join Summer Book and Learning Circles
Employee and Organization Development has announced the Summer 2021 Book and Learning Circles, where participants can engage in enriching conversations and connect with peers across campus. Book Circles involve reading a book over the course of three to five sessions. The books are:
- “Ego is the Enemy” by Ryan Holiday: Many of us insist the main impediment to a full, successful life is the outside world. In fact, the most common enemy lies within: our ego.
- “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor: Learn how to rewire our brains for positivity and optimism to reap the happiness advantage in our lives, our careers and even our health.
- “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents” by Isabel Wilkerson: Explores how America today and throughout its history has been shaped by a hidden caste system.
Learning Circles involve watching a video, listening to a podcast, or reading an article and participating in a discussion during a single session. Learning Circles include:
- “Communicating Values” by Mory Fontanez: Common values are the foundation of successful relationships and successful businesses. Learning how to effectively communicate your values can lead to stronger, better-performing teams and relationships.
- “The Great Migration and the Power of a Single Decision” by journalist and author Isabel Wilkerson: Shares how a single decision can change the course of history.
- “The Happy Secret to Better Work” by Shawn Achor: We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards?
Music Professor Antonio “Greg” Barata, longtime director of the sound design program — as well as instructor of theory, composition and orchestration — retired from full-time teaching at the end of spring quarter 2020 after 35 years. He will teach part time for the next few years. He earned his Doctorate of Musical Arts in music composition from the University of Illinois, specializing in electroacoustic and computer music, in 1985, the same year he started at Cal Poly. He founded the Sound Design program, and RSVP is the capstone of the sequential series of classes that evolved to a fully staged production, including theater, musical scenes, musical parody, dance and live and prerecorded music. The classes give students the skills and exposure to the technology and media elements needed to combine the composition, performance, soundscape and staging that bring these shows to life. Spring 2020 marked the 25th anniversary of RSVP, which was offered virtually in three video installments due to the pandemic. Barata is an active composer. In March 2020, the Cal Poly Wind Ensemble premiered his piece “Winds of Change.” In 2006, he earned a Master of Pastoral Studies degree from Loyola University in New Orleans and is currently a deacon at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Parish in Nipomo. Barata has generously served the Music Department by chairing almost every faculty search committee.
Catastrophic Leave
Andrew Lohse, laborer in Facilities Management — Custodial Services, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help him remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Hallee Harper-Kinney at ext. 6-2689 or to request a donation form.
Guadalupe Tejeda, custodian in University Housing — Custodial Operations, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help her remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Phyllis "Tony" Simpson at ext. 6-7781 or to request a donation form.
Dan Renee, grounds worker in Facilities Management — Landscape Services, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help him remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Hallee Harper-Kinney at ext. 6-2689 or to request a donation form.
Campus Announcements
Spots Still Open for Orfalea Family and ASI Children’s Center Poly Trekkers Program
The annual summer Poly Trekkers program at the ASI Children’s Center still has available spots remaining. This program is open to children who have completed kindergarten through fourth grade (6 to 10 years old). The program includes crafts, field trips, sports activities and a good deal of fun, all while taking advantage of the experiences offered on campus. Registration is available for sessions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8. Registration ends June 18. For more information, visit the ASI website or contact Children's Center Administrative Assistant Lauren Mosley at ext. 6-1267 or
Cal Poly Symphony to Present ‘Voices Past and Present’ Virtually on June 11
The Cal Poly Symphony will present its season finale, “Voices Past and Present,” through a virtual presentation at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 11. The program will include music for winds and brass, music for string orchestra and music for everyone together. The winds and brass will conclude their yearlong exploration of Gordon Jacob’s “Old Wine in New Bottles,” a set of pieces based on old English folk songs. The orchestra’s string section will perform Chicago-based composer Stacy Garrop’s “Lo Yisa Goy,” an instrumental setting of the Jewish prayer for peace. Everyone will come together to play two works: Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “English Folk Song Suite,” orchestrated by Jacob, and Nkeiru Okoye’s “Voices Shouting Out,” written in response to the events of 9/11. Music Professor David Arrivée will conduct the concert. Tickets are sold from the Performing Arts Center, ext. 6-4849. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website.
Buy Tickets to this performance
Event Postings is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at
Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around our campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and include events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
For an overview of up-to-date sports information, photos and videos, visit Per guidelines from the state and San Luis Obispo County Public Health, fans will be permitted for these events at 33% capacity. This guideline will be revisited for future events.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Home schedules for the upcoming fall sports season will be published once final approvals are obtained.
Job Vacancies
Employment Opportunities
For all available job openings, visit All new positions opened this week are listed below. To apply, go online and complete the application form. Current employees can also find job postings at CSU Careers, an internal job site for CSU employees. For assistance, call Human Resources at ext. 6-2236.
#500904 — Department Analyst — Biological Sciences (Administrative Analyst/Specialist I) — Academic Affairs — College of Science and Mathematics. $39,456-$76,164 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $52,000-$64,800 per year. Open until filled.
#500630 — Talent Acquisition Assistant (Administrative Support Assistant II) — Administration and Finance — Human Resources. $34,944-$55,104 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $36,000-$44,400 per year. Open until filled.
#500764 — Human Resources Coordinator (Administrative Support Coordinator II) — Administration and Finance — Human Resources. $40,224-$67,668 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $43,200-$56,400 per year. Open until filled.
#500250 — Office Coordinator — University Housing (Administrative Support Coordinator I) — Student Affairs — University Housing. $3,064-$5,148 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $3,167-$4,000 per month. Open until filled.
To find internally posted positions, start from the Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left-hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” All internally and externally posted positions appear there. For a full list of available jobs, go to
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Visit for current openings, further information and how to apply. For assistance, email Academic Personnel at
There are no news listings this week.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
There are no news listings this week.
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Visit the Work For ASI webpage for a full listing of available positions and to apply. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at
There are no new listings this week.
Submission Guidelines for Cal Poly Report
Cal Poly Report (CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication.