Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Available to Help Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

The Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is open and available remotely to small business clients in order to assist with the impact of COVID-19.
SBDC staff and consultants are standing by to help navigate available resources, answer business questions and be a trusted partner for small businesses.
The Cal Poly CIE SBDC can help guide businesses through resources, supply chain interruptions and other workforce concerns. Visit to register as a client at no cost.
Resources are available on a federal and state level. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will provide disaster assistance loans to small businesses impacted by COVID-19. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided an interim guide for businesses and employees to prevent workplace exposure.
“There are invaluable resources available through the Cal Poly CIE SBDC and our numerous local business development agencies to support business owners in managing the economic crisis spurred by COVID-19, both financial aid and immediate consulting support,” said Judy Mahan, Cal Poly CIE SBDC economic development director. “We would like to strongly encourage business owners to reach out; with our consultant team, we are here to help and guide them in any way we can.”
For more information or to learn more about how SBDC can help your business, visit